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Total Sports

& Fitness Foundation

Total Sports and Fitness Foundations provides enrichment, physical activity and bonding for you and your dog.   For The Love of Dogs offers Intro to Sports and Fitness Foundation and Intro to Fitness Equipment & Conditioning classes to prepare you for a great future with a health and focused dog and and even competing in the variety of sports available in the dog world.  A solid foundation is critical to maintaining physical fitness, confidence and build the teamwork and communication skills between you and your dog and will benefit you and your dog in all your activities.  

Intro to Sports & Fitness Foundations

TThis class will focus on the foundation and fitness skills needed for you and your dog participate in dog sports such as agility, barn hunt, dock diving, tracking, nose work, tricks and even just life in general!  We work on building a solid foundation of communication and fitness skills to create a strong bond and lifetime fitness between yourself and your dog using fun, reward-based training.  

A positive training approach is used to teach body awareness (back up, wobble boards, perch work, ladder), impulse control (stay/wait, recall, Ready 1-2-3, working with distractions), working away (to and/or around targets, cones, barrels, etc), all to build physical and mental skills to assist in your future endeavors.  The class is organized in a manner that encourages students to continue to attend the Continuing Sports and Fitness Foundation class to build more skills, reliability, and confidence in both the dog and handler.


This class is designed to be repeated as often as needed.


4 weeks, 1 hour per week


Class Size: Maximum 6 dogs

Dogs must be at least six months old. 
Dogs should have a basic understanding of a brief sit and a short recall/come.

Intro to Fitness Equipment  & Conditioning


Ever wondered what to do with canine fitness equipment? 


This class focuses on:

  • introducing you and your pup to the different fitness equipment available

  • correct position when using equipment

  • training behaviors using fitness equipment. (i.e. foot targeting)

  • basic canine conditioning. 

  • proper stretching and how to use equipment to assist in stretching your dog.

  • what can you use at home? 


This class is designed to be repeated as often as needed. 


4 weeks, 1 hour per week


Class Size: Maximum 6 dogs


Prerequisite: Dogs must be healthy and have no current medical conditions that would limit their participation in this class. 


This class is not a substitute for working with a vet or rehabilitation specialist.  

Focus and Teamwork


Focus and Teamwork are not one in the same yet they are interdependent.  Whether you want to participate in sports or take your dogs places casually, those outings are more enjoyable when both ends of the leash share skills, confidence, and expectations. This class helps teams:

-communicate and understand the needs and wants of both ends of the leash. Be a team!

-get and stay on task around distractions (distractions are catered to the team as we progress).

-recognize when we may be over facing a dog in a situation/environment.

-have “tools in the toolbox” to be able to know when our dogs need help and how to provide it.

-recognize (and explore) different reinforcements for THEIR team.

-improve consistency in providing and receiving cues and reinforcement from each other.


3 weeks, 1 hour per week


Class Size: Maximum 6 dogs

Dogs must be at least six months old. Please see vaccine requirements for all of our programs.  Dogs should have a basic understanding of a brief sit and a short recall/come.

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