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Senior Enrichment Games

Senior enrichment is all about your senior dogs, and giving them fun activities and games to play as they move through their various stages of life with you or have lower mobility concerns.  The games are focused on keeping your dog feeling happy and wholesome, doing fun activities with you and just being a great dog. The games offered by For The Love of Dogs are based on the original Senior Enrichment Games, first developed by our instructor, Sharon Middendorf, and the dogs love coming to class to play.  Each dog is allowed individual ring time to play with what has been set up for the week, such as no impact/low impact obstacle courses, hide and seek, rock-em-knock-em baskets, swim night, brallygity (brain games, rally and agility combined and modified for the senior) and much more.  It's also okay to just let your dog go out and walk around, check things out, sniff, look and just be with you.   It's like a 'date night' with your best friend!  We will have group discussions and guest speakers on occasion talking about canine massage, acupuncture, chiropractic care, nutrition, cognition, tips on aging care and more to give you insights on how to help your dogs happy and having fun through out their senior lives.


Length: 3 weeks, 1 hour per week (but this can vary depending on the stamina of the dogs and the activity for the week)


Class Size: Up to 6 dogs


Cost: $60.00

Prerequisites:  Basic Obedience/Manners

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Senior Enrichment is on summer break, check back this fall for classes.
Foundation Level 4

This 6-week course focuses on adding two additional target odors - Anise and Clove with exercises on building odor obedience in all four elements - interiors, exteriors, vehicles, and containers.  The second half of the course will focus on the basics of competitions and beginning preparation for an Odor Recognition Test (ORT). 





6 weeks


Foundation Level 3

Intro to AKC Scent Work

AKC(R) is now offering titling classes in scent work and there are some new elements in their competition classes. This six week class focuses on introducing your dog to handler discrimination, distractions of mimic, auditory and visual, and buried hides in preparation for the novice and advanced levels of competition.   It will also introduce your dog to the scent of cypress if your dog isn't on cypress.

Prerequisite: Foundation nose work training, including an introduction to odor.





6 weeks


Dog must be on all three odors of Birch, Anise and Clove and working in all elements of interiors, containers, exteriors and vehicles

Nose Work Skill Building

This is an ongoing nosework class for those people who want to build off the nose work skills started foundation classes, for fun and for competition. Search puzzles will be set up by the class coordinator and coaching will be available if needed.  Field trips in the local area to give you exposure to new searching environments may be included.  The focus will be on enhancing foundation skills for you and your dog, and will use all 4 elements of nosework for searches.  




6 weeks


Nosework Foundation Level 4 class or instructor's permission.

Continuing Nosework

This class will continue to develop handler skills and focuses on all of the elements of K9 Nose Work®, container, interior, exterior and vehicle searches.  Higher level of environmental distractions are introduced with container, vehicle and exterior searches, keeping the challenge of the hunt always exciting for you and your dog.  Focus on teamwork and supporting your dog during the search are emphasized. These classes will continue to develop your handler skills in leash management, understanding your dog’s ‘hunting’ language and the effects of ever changing environments on a search.   You are encouraged to video tape your sessions for review, especially if you are considering competition.   Field trips may be included as part of this course.


This is an ongoing nosework class for those people who want to build off the nose work skills started foundation classes, for fun and for competition. Search puzzles will be set up by the class coordinator and coaching will be available if needed.  Field trips in the local area to give you exposure to new searching environments may be included.  The focus will be on enhancing foundation skills for you and your dog, and will use all 4 elements of nosework for searches.  






6 weeks


Nosework Foundation Level 4 class or instructor's permission.

Nosework Field Trips

Practice your skills in all the elements of K9 Nose Work© - containers, interiors, exteriors, and vehicles.  The teams will hide for each other and there will be no formal training, just hunting.  A steward will be at each class to direct you as to search spaces and traffic flow, this person should also be contacted if you cannot make it, you get lost, or you are running late.  


Locations and steward's contact information will be sent in your confirmation email before each session.  


You will need to plan to kennel your dog in your car.  

Facilitator: Gayle Hunter






6 weeks


Dog must be searching for Odor.  These are single day registration.

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